Package Mirror
Mirror, Mirror on the wall...
Fast downloads and high availability distinguish good package mirrors – no less than that we strive for with our package mirror. The Mirror is available under and is considered an official mirror for the following distributions:
- Arch Linux
- Debian
- Epel
- Ubuntu
- Centos
- dotdeb
- Opensuse
- Alpine
The server delivers about 20 million files and about 6 TB of data in one month.

Sponsorship of conferences
Meet and move forward together
As a sponsor, Adfinis regularly supports open source conferences. In addition, our speakers contribute to the content part on various occasions. Here is a small excerpt:
For other events see our events page
Are you organizing a conference on F/OSS? Let us know.
Aptly Management done the easy way
Aptly is a wonderful solution to create and manage apt repositories. We use Aptly in various scenarios, have contributed extensive extensions and are members of the Core Contributorteam. The resulting solution is available as PyAptly under the GNU Affero General Public License on GitHub.

Upstream Contributions
We don't just cook our own soup
We work directly with the upstream projects for all the open source solutions we use. In this way, changes and improvements are directly incorporated. In addition, we use the public channels for communication with the projects and support other users with questions in forums, in IRC channels, etc.

Participation in committees and organisations
Together we are strong
Our employees are involved in a wide range of committees and organisations that are committed to various open source topics. These include, but are not more than one:
- Participation in the jury of the Swiss Open Source Award
- Membership of the board of the ch Open association
- Partner of the Parliamentary Group On Digital Sustainability
- Assignments as an expert in apprenticeship projects in the open source environment

Open source projects
Solutions developed by us
Adfinis develops solutions that can benefit others. We publish them on our GitHub page and look forward to receiving feedback or contributions.
Some examples:

Our values
Together with the community
As Adfinis, we are part of a worldwide open source community. With the accumulated knowledge and the joint work on free software projects, the open source movement is driven by the community. Thanks to this global networking and the combination of professionalism and expertise, we are able to develop solutions in the shortest possible time that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers.
Thanks to our stable network in the open source community, we can draw on a large pool of knowledge and maintain a high quality standard.
The Conference for Digital Sustainability
Digital transformation is ubiquitous. How can we ensure that progressive digitalisation also generates sustainable benefits for our society? The principle of digital sustainability offers an answer to this question. Digital sustainability describes how digital knowledge assets (data, content, software) need to be created and made accessible in order to create the greatest possible benefits for society and the environment. In concrete terms, this concerns current political challenges around digitalisation in Switzerland, in innovation and research, in data protection, copyright and in technical topics such as open data.
Adfinis was part of the founding team and continues to be actively involved in the OK of DINAcon.

Parliamentary Group Digital Sustainability
The Parliamentary Group On Digital Sustainability promotes the sustainable and innovative use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and promotes public access to knowledge.
Adfinis is a partner of Parldigi and provides resources and time to support Parldigi's initiatives.

CH Open
Association for the Promotion of Open Source Software and Open Standards in Switzerland
Since its foundation in 1982, the independent association CH Open (Swiss Open Systems User Group) has been committed to promoting open and free systems. The activities focus on training and the exchange of information among the members.
Through various events and activities, CH Open promotes the theoretical and practical expertise of its members in the fields of Linux and other open source software. The events also offer an excellent opportunity to connect with others.
CH Open is also active behind the scenes. The association is involved in commissions and activities such as eCH, ICTswitzerland and swissICT for open source software.
Through the extensive network of relationships, there are close contacts with the private sector and with public administrations. As a result, CH Open's commitment to open source software is widely perceived.
Adfinis is a long-time member and sponsor of CH Open and is represented on the board of the association. We actively support the activities of CH Open.

Open Source Business Alliance
The Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance) is Europe's largest network of companies and organizations that develop, build on or apply open source software.
The goal of the OSB Alliance is to make open source software and other forms of open collaboration more successful. The OSB Alliance achieves its goals by disseminating information, creating a positive framework for manufacturers and users, and by actively networking manufacturers, customers and service providers. Interoperability between various open source systems as well as with proprietary software plays an important role.
Adfinis is a member of OSBA and is closely associated with THE core persons and companies of OSBA.

Pfadi and Asyl
Pfasyl works to ensure that refugee children have contact with young people in their host country who are interested in them and offer them opportunities to learn about the culture, language and life. Children from different backgrounds find a place in the group, where they experience for a short time a counter-draft to their everyday life as refugees. Adfinis appreciates the work done in the area of inclusion and integration and supports the project as a sponsor.

ICT Scouts
For a common future
We are the ICT Scouts Supporter! On the one hand, the association is financed by membership fees, in particular by teaching companies that benefit most directly from the funding activities, by sponsors, foundations, and by the public authorities.

Feature Sponsoring
We have been running large parts of our ticketing system with Zammad for over a year. The tool offers us flexibility, is reliable and open source - everything we want. But when something is missing, like ServiceNow or Jira integration, we work with our friends at Zammad and sponsor the feature so the whole For the community – by the community.