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A fast, reliable and trustworthy mirror for Linux Enthusiasts

19. June 2024

Linux package mirrors are servers that store copies of software packages and updates for Linux distributions. They are used to distribute these packages efficiently to users worldwide, reducing the load on official distribution servers and speeding up downloads for users. Mirrors help ensure reliable access to software by providing redundancy and geographically distributed access points for users to download packages.

Adfinis and Exoscale have collaboratively established a new mirror in Geneva, featuring robust bandwidth and ample storage capacity. This server hosts repositories for 12 distinct Linux distributions, serving as a significant contribution to the free and open source software community. The Ansible playbook used to install and maintain this Mirror is publicly available on GitHub. Mirrors like these play a crucial role in enhancing accessibility and reliability for users worldwide, exemplifying a commitment to supporting the broader ecosystem of open source software development.

Exoscale is thrilled to be partnering with Adfinis to offer this Mirror Server service. We have worked with Adfinis on numerous projects over the years, and we have developed a deep appreciation of their skills and commitment to excellence. Aligned in our shared ethos of Open Source, it was only natural for us to work together to expand access to free software for the broader community. As a donation to the free software community, Exoscale provides the infrastructure on which the service operates.

– Maxime GERARD, Channel Operations Manager | Exoscale


Technical Details

The server boasts impressive specifications including a 10Gbps bandwidth and 50TB of storage, powered by Exoscale’s new block storage technology. Operating on the reliable Debian platform and managed efficiently with ZFS, the mirror server is designed for seamless deployment and maintenance. By using a custom Ansible role, available on GitHub, management becomes easy. This ensures optimal performance and reliability. 

Accessible at, this mirror server will replace the previous server. Adfinis will use its many years of experience in maintaining and operating the mirror to offer a great service to all users. Exoscale’s scalable and resilient platform will make this easier in the future, freeing up time to be active in other areas of the Open Source community. The mirror currently supports both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, with Rsync support in the pipeline. The landing page has been rewritten by one of the Adfinis apprentices to be modern looking and easily manageable. This initiative hosts a variety of Linux distributions and additional repositories for Arch, Debian and CentOS. This is one of many projects with which Exoscale and Adfinis support the open source community.


Exoscale and Adfinis are very similar to begin with. Both are Swiss companies and have a deep involvement in Linux and various open source software projects and communities. Today, by combining our strengths, we’ve united forces to offer a swift and dependable Linux mirror server. Our collaboration ensures repositories for the leading Linux distributions are readily accessible.

– Joel Meier, Junior System Engineer | Adfinis


As joint sponsors, we strive to provide a valuable resource for the promotion of free and open source software. For new mirror requests, feedback, or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact