Situation & Goal
Dectris is a spin-off company of PSI, founded in 2006, which is focused on developing and producing high-quality, high-performance hybrid photon counting (HPC) X-ray detectors.
In daily work, the need for a modern and powerful storage system as well as container orchestration came apparent. Furthermore, IT operations should be outsourced in the future, so that Dectris can focus on the development of its services.
The extensive requirements in terms of storage capacity could be met by using software-defined storage. Ceph was the solution chosen for this purpose, which was implemented with the help of Red Hat Ceph Subscriptions. With regard to container orchestration, the decision was made in favor of the Kubernetes platform, which is operated with Advantage Support on Canonical.
Adfinis & Dectris
Adfinis accompanies Dectris throughout the entire process. From advising on suitable solutions in the evaluation phase, to installing and integrating the solutions into the existing infrastructure.
However, the collaboration went beyond that, as Adfinis supports the operation of the Kubernetes platform as part of its SLA, thus ensuring a flawless lifecycle. As a premium partner of Red Hat and partner of Canonical, Adfinis therefore has the latest skills and certifications and can guarantee competent support.

- Ceph (Ceph)
- Kubernetes Kubernetes