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Open Source Software in der Cloud

By | 7. January 2021 | Comments Off on Open Source Software in der Cloud

Open Source Software in der Cloud Open Source und Cloud gehen Hand in Hand. Die Werkzeuge, die Open-Source-­Dienstleister und die Community dazu erarbeiten, sind divers und vielschichtig. Ein Beitrag von Nicolas Christener, erschienen in IT Magazine 2020/12 Die Cloud-Angebote der gros­sen Anbieter basieren zu substanziellen Teilen auf Open-Source-Technologien. Sei es im Bereich der Virtualisierung, der…

Collabora Office on iOS and Android Just got Better!

By | 15. December 2020 | Comments Off on Collabora Office on iOS and Android Just got Better!

Version 6.4 is a major upgrade of the LibreOffice based office suite on your Apple and Android mobile device! Note: if you want to learn about the history of this project you should also check the first and the second blog post in this series! After roughly two years of hard work driven by Collabora…

LibreOffice Template Contest 2020

By | 10. December 2020 | Comments Off on LibreOffice Template Contest 2020

LibreOffice Template Contest 2020   Adfinis organizes a template contest supported by the LibreOffice design team for some extra creativity, inspiration and fun in the last days of an otherwise crazy year! LibreOffice is a project where everyone can participate – its open source development model and the embracing community are important factors in the…

First System Engineer joins Adfinis IT Australia Pty Ltd.

By | 16. November 2020 | Comments Off on First System Engineer joins Adfinis IT Australia Pty Ltd.

We’re thrilled to announce that our first System Engineer has officially started working at Adfinis IT Australia Pty Ltd. Andrew Roffey will make our “Following-the-sun”-principle come true and relieve our swiss employees regarding the 24/7 SLA service, which they have previously mastered alone. It’s time to meet Andrew! Experience and skills I am a Linux…

Terraform and Ansible a Great Combination

By anii | 8. October 2020 | Comments Off on Terraform and Ansible a Great Combination

In this vlog, Robert shows you why Ansible and Terraform are such a good combination. Maybe you’ve seen Terraform, Terraform is really good at spinning up or managing resources on any cloud provider. These can be many different types of resources, like volumes, load balancers, any kind of resources basically. Terraform is not really good…

How to Deploy an Application That Stores its State in a Persistent Service on Cloud Foundry

By anii | 7. October 2020 | Comments Off on How to Deploy an Application That Stores its State in a Persistent Service on Cloud Foundry

What happened so far In the last installment of this series we successfully deployed our demo app to the SUSE Cloud Application Platform Developer Sandbox. Where should the application state be stored? According to the point IV. of the Twelve-Factor App manifest we should treat backing services as attached resources. In our target environment, this…

How to Prevent Cloud Lock-In with Robert

By anii | 6. October 2020 | Comments Off on How to Prevent Cloud Lock-In with Robert

In this video, Robert demonstrates how you can prevent cloud lock-in with Terraform. Terraform allows you to describe your infrastructure as code and lets you decide on what cloud you want to use. In this vlog, Robert de Bock will give you a short explanation about what “Cloud Lock-in” is and how you can prevent…

Robert de Bock joins Adfinis as a DevOps Architect in the Netherlands

By | 26. August 2020 | Comments Off on Robert de Bock joins Adfinis as a DevOps Architect in the Netherlands

    We are happy to announce, that with Robert de Bock, a first Engineer joined our team in the Netherlands – Welcome a board! Last week, our NL-team went on a roadtrip and made it all the way down to our offices in Basel and Bern. So we already got the chance to meet…

Feature Sponsoring ermöglicht Anbindung von ServiceNow an Zammad

By | 20. July 2020 | Comments Off on Feature Sponsoring ermöglicht Anbindung von ServiceNow an Zammad

Vergangenes Jahr hat die Adfinis zur Optimierung des Ticketing Systems einen Vergleich unterschiedlicher Lösungen angestellt. Aus der Evaluation ist Zammad als Gewinner hervorgegangen. Eine moderne, von Grund auf neu konzipierte Ticketing Lösung, welche vor allem im Bereich User Interface sehr angenehmen zu handhaben ist. Des Weiteren punktet Zammad mit geringem Konfigurationsaufwand, einer verständlichen Dokumentation sowie…

Caluma und nachhaltige Entwicklung von Graphql

By | 22. June 2020 | Comments Off on Caluma und nachhaltige Entwicklung von Graphql

Freie Software erlaubt es uns, ganz viel Aufwand einzusparen, denn mit ihr können sich Menschen auf der ganzen Welt die Arbeit teilen. Ansonsten müsste jede Firma oder Organisation jeweils Ihre eigene Software bauen. Dieses Prinzip funktioniert hervorragend bei allgegenwärtigen Projekten wie beispielsweise dem Linux Kernel. Bei kleineren Projekten gibt es jedoch oft Engpässe, die man…